Eagle and Cat Story - 3D Animated Bedtime English Stories for Kids | Stories of the Forest

Eagle and Cat Story - 3D Animated Bedtime English Stories for Kids | Stories of the Forest. #AnimalsStories for kids, Stories of the Forest is an animated series featuring quirky animals and interesting #KidsStories and #3dAnimationStories. Hope you love it! #BedtimeStories The weather in the forest is pleasant with cool breeze and clear sky. Birds are singing and animals are dancing with joy. But slowly, dark clouds cover the skies and wind starts blowing heavily. On a mighty banyan tree in the forest, there is a crow who is working tirelessly on her nest. On the tree branch above, there is an eagle watching this all with amusement from within her nest. While the crow is busy working on the nest, the eagle calls out to her and asks: Eagle: hey, friend! What are you upto? Crow: oh, hi! You see the climate? Feels like, it will be raining at any moment. Eagle: so? Crow: I’m just making my nest a bit deeper so that my eggs won’t roll. You too have eggs in your nest, right? You better do the same.
Eagle: oh! But you see, my nest is stronger enough to stand any wind and my eggs are completely safe. Crow: Okay dear, that’s good. But why taking a chance? Eagle, ignoring: oh, give it a break! You carry on. Now I’m feeling sleepy. The eagle takes a nap in her nest. After sometime, it starts raining in the forest. Due to heavy winds, the walls of eagle’s nest fly away and the eggs slowly roll to the edges. But the eagle is in a deep sleep and doesn’t care for her surroundings. Meanwhile, a Cat comes that way, looking for a shelter in the rain. He reaches the banyan tree and starts to climb it up. The Cat observes the eggs at edge and wants to keep them safe. Meanwhile, another strong wind makes an egg fall down and the Cat immediately jumps to catch the egg. When the Cat’s body touches the ground, he makes a loud cry that wakes the eagle. The eagle looks down and finds the Cat. She thinks that the Cat is trying to run away stealing her egg. She immediately flies down and shouts at him. Eagle: Hey, you! How dare you steal my egg? The eagle’s loud voice makes the crow wake up. She looks down from within her nest. Cat: don’t get me wrong, friend. I was just trying to save your egg. Eagle: stop bluffing, you liar. I won’t leave you. I will complain to the king. Meanwhile, another egg also rolls and falls into the crow’s nest. The crow holds the egg and calls out to the eagle. Crow: hey! Cool down. He is not lying. And better you thank him. Eagle: oh, you are supporting him! How can you say that? He tried to take away my egg. Crow: here is another egg of yours that just fell down. Now you say I stole it? Eagle: aww! Then how it happened? Crow: Look at your nest once. The walls were blown away and the eggs rolled down due to wind. I already anticipated it, but you ignored me. The eagle feels ashamed of her. Eagle: I’m so sorry for accusing you, my friend. Please don’t mind. Cat: No problem. From now on, stay alert. He hands over the egg to the eagle. Then coincidentally, the egg hatches and the eaglet come out of the shell. The eagle looks so happy and it feels so grateful to the Cat. Thanks for watching Please Like! & Subscribe For more Updates and Videos Subscribe Here By Following Link : https://goo.gl/iXjw9i Follow On Our Other Social Sites: Pinterest : https://goo.gl/cMAUaF Mix : https://goo.gl/4WMyFF Twitter : https://goo.gl/Y541v1 Fb : https://goo.gl/bzdMpR Blog : https://goo.gl/bU2qYb G+: https://goo.gl/mzvYv4
