The curse of Long Neck - To know full Story Giraffe's watch the video - Stories of the Forest

Giraffe And It’s Long Neck Story - Animated Bedtime English Moral Story | Stories of the Forest

The curse of Long Neck - To know full Story Giraffe's watch the video - Stories of the Forest

Giraffe And It’s Long Neck Story - Animated Bedtime English Moral Story | Stories of the Forest. #AnimalsStories for kids, Stories of the Forest is an animated series featuring quirky animals and interesting #KidsStories and #3dAnimationStories. Hope you love it! #BedtimeStories On a bright morning, the forest is cool, calm and peaceful. Only a few birds chirp and sing in the morning, some animals prepare their tools for the day's work, while the other animals go to the market. One day, Giraffe went to Bear's house. Bear and his family were preparing for their wedding anniversary. Bear's wife and daughters were cooking behind their house while Giraffe was stretching his neck to see what they were doing. One of Bear's kid caught him and reported him. The next day, Bear's wife came to Giraffe's house to report him to his mother. Giraffe's mother apologised and warned Giraffe to stop peeping into the animals’ houses. Giraffe refused to heed his mother's warning but still went about peeping into other animals’ houses. One other day, Giraffe went to Goat's house. The goat was preparing a surprise birthday party for his last son because he loved him so much. Giraffe peeped into the house and watched all the preparations. Giraffe became eager and he went and told baby Goat what his father was planning for him. When father Goat discovered that his secret birthday party had been revealed, he asked about the animal that revealed it, then baby Goat said it was Giraffe who revealed it. He was very angry. Then he went to report Giraffe to his parents to warn him from meddling into other animals’ affairs. This time, Giraffe's mother locked up Giraffe in the house but Giraffe had a way to sneak out and still go on peeping into the animals’ houses because he enjoyed knowing their secrets. Soon, all the animals became tired of Giraffe's misbehaviour. They began to think of how to teach Giraffe a lesson since Giraffe's parents could not control him themselves. One day, Cat and Fox were discussing. Cat said, “The misbehaviour of Giraffe is becoming uncontrollable. What shall we do to stop him before he exposes all our secrets?” Fox replied, “I think we should take his matter to Tortoise, the Wise one.” The tortoise was the most powerful sorcerer in the whole of the animal kingdom. Every animal paid respect and homage whenever his name was mentioned. He was very powerful. The animals had seen tortoise transform a bragging Tiger to a small piece of wood, therefore they all feared him. Fox and Cat came to Tortoise and told him about the matter. Tortoise then responded, “I will give you the charm to put around your house. If Giraffe steps on it and he peeps, his neck will keep growing longer and permanently till he runs away.” The two animals were happy and they went their way. The next day, Giraffe came to Cat’s house and peeped as usual, but his neck started to grow longer and longer almost touching the sky. When he noticed it, he ran away and he never peeped into any animal's house again. Moral : Don't wait to learn a lesson before you stop your bad habits. Thanks for watching Please Like! & Subscribe For more Updates and Videos Subscribe Here By Following Link : Follow On Our Other Social Sites: Pinterest : Mix : Twitter : Fb : Blog : G+:
